Journey to Ancient Egypt with Goddess Isis – Package of 3 Classes
RM450.00 + SST 8%
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Venue: Onsite
Time: 2pm – 4pm
The Ancient Egyptians have been known for their divine wisdom, power, knowledge of inter dimensions and meta-physics. They lived a rich and extraordinary life: a life full of abundance, pure love, compassion and great joy! They built many temples that are dedicated for specific works healing different parts of a person’s mind, body or soul. One of the main temples is called The Temple of Rejuvenation. It is a sacred temple where priestesses practice their art and skills to rejuvenate and heal people who came for healing.
As the energies in our planet shift, we are ready to tap into this powerful ancient Egyptian wisdom and power.
In this Journey into The Ancient Egypt Meditation, Beatrice will bring you on a mystical journey of guided visualization and crystal geometries. You will be working with the energy and blessings of Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses, their temples and their symbols.
In this Journey into Ancient Egypt, you will also:
- Journey through time to reunite with your divine self in the golden era of ancient Egypt
- Re-claim your hidden past gifts & power
- Reawaken the karmic energy imprinted in your DNA from ancient times
Per Class: RM188*
3 Classes package: RM450*
*Excl 8% SST
Classes dates: 19 October 2024 | 19 April 2025 | 3 May 2025
Practitioner: Beatrice Lee