“Being abundant is not about having a lot of something, usually cash or happiness, or is it? A commonly quoted saying about “abundance” is that it is not about how much money you have but it is a state of mind, a state of heart and a state of being. Actually, it is more than that, it is a feeling felt in every part of your being.”

Do You Believe You Are Already Abundant?

Abundance is your birthright, it is not something you achieve or attract but something you already have. Often being told that you need to think or act abundantly when you are going through a difficult period in your life or dealing with a crisis, can really be difficult to do. Thus, the saying that abundance is what you already have is actually more important than it seems.

We often focus on the lack in our life and not what we already have.

Project The Abundant Future Now

What do you want to see in your future? Project yourself to the future. Even if you believe that you have never been “rich” or “abundant”, a movie or positive media reference about abundance should help. Hold and facilitate that space of abundance by feeling it in your heart, mind and body.

We humans tend to focus a lot on our past and that we believe we can accurately predict the future based on the past. This makes us feel secure, we are fallible to believe that we can ensure things always stay as they are. Our current situation is the result of our past thoughts and action.

In order to have a different future we must change the current situation that will eventually become the past. Reality lies within what we see, do, act and feel at this very moment in time. Our bank account reflects the results of our past thoughts, feelings and actions. And we can only work with the current time, after all.

“Emotions are more powerful than thoughts and what we often project and manifest is not what we think but what we actually feel inside.”

“We never worry about how we breathe, we just trust that we are able to – the state of abundance feels very much that way too.”

Emotions Of Abundance

Some of us are even able to get into the emotions of abundance, feel expansive, free, secure and so on. However, we are unable to sustain these feelings because we are so easily distracted by everything else that is going on, which eventually affects our emotions of abundance.

We forget that emotions are more powerful than thoughts and what we often project and manifest is not what we think but what we actually feel inside. Changing thoughts is easy but changing emotions is tricky. This is why some people have trouble using affirmations alone. Manage your emotions, keep them on the high (highly positive). Keep in the state of abundance. Align to the future you want to see.

Sustaining Focus

The average person loses his or her focus every 6 10 seconds.To manifest abundance, we must practice and build the habit of holding this state of abundance consistently. We will not be able to manifest the fruits of abundance if we cannot sustain our focus. And we need to do this until our being, and the Universe, recognize our emotions about our situation as the truth.

Even if you are not sure how to move the spiritual into physical reality, the ideas and abundance will come whilst you’re holding this state of abundance. Abundance will feel natural to you and you will be able to take inspired action. Opportunities will start appearing.

We never worry about how we breathe, we just trust that we are able to – the state of abundance feels very much that way too.

Take Inspired Action

Trust your instincts and take calculated risks when opportunities show up. This is life. Trusting your instincts is not blind faith because you will still have to do the necessary “homework” or research when it’s called for. And of course take inspired action, that is, on ideas that feel “right” and inspired.

Mind, body and soul have to work together and be aligned. Learning through mistakes even if you fall can prove useful as well and provide you with useful experience. This experience could lead you to a bigger and better opportunity. Be consistent and follow through.

“If you can sustain this state of abundance then you will be abundant in all areas of your life! Yes, this is possible!”

Abundant In All Of Life

Some people may then ask why there are people who are abundant in some areas of their life, but not in others. The answer stresses on the understanding of the state of abundance. It is because they don’t understand this concept.

So again, being abundant is not just about having money, if you understand and can sustain this state of abundance then you will be abundant in all areas of your life! Yes, this is possible!

4 ways to cultivate state of abundance:

Play like a child and think like one. Imagination is very important in manifesting abundance and children have no boundaries that get in the way. They don’t doubt, for example, if they want something badly, they will think and dream about it day and night, as if they already have it.



If you were out shopping, and you come across something you may not currently have money to buy, you would probably say, “Oh, I don’t have money, I can’t afford it” (and you repeat that over and over). Why not ask yourself, “How can I afford this?”. Use your imagination and explore. Change the focus



Be happy and thankful for what we already have. The Universe recognizes gratitude and if you are happy and appreciative and focus on the feelings of having something, the Universe will give you more of it.

The ability to give is abundance and how you give to someone else, with love and without expectations, is important too. It’s not so much what you give to others. When you give, do it with an open heart and without fear of being left with less.

When you receive, give a compliment on what you have received, breathe in the generosity vibes (energies) and hold it with gratitude.



Last but not least, share the happiness and positive emotions of others when they have what they love and want. In doing so you are also holding a space of abundance for yourself. Bless them.

Sky Kho is the creator of the Pure Intent methodology, performing paradigm shifts of minds in a fraction of a second. He is Malaysia’s top leading instructor since 2008. Sky has conducted more than 500 self-empowerment workshops and transformed thousands of lives. He is now living his dream, devoting his life to serving mankind and inspiring them to achieve greatness. Drop Sky a line at sky.kho@thegoldenspace.com.my.

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