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60 minutes private consultation session for RM378 nett

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” —Confucius

What do you see as your career? A career is more than just a job. A career is seen as a life journey, with a series of jobs and appointments, where one learns, grows and progresses ultimately to reach one’s peak. We should ideally enjoy fulfilment in our chosen career.

But we’ve just passed 2020. The pandemic happened and all plans have turned upside down. If you are one of the many who are in the travel, hospitality or entertainment business, you may be seeking other employment, perhaps until things return to “normal”. But if you are in a booming industry, you may be thinking about your next promotion and whether your boss is treating you fairly.

Some of the questions you may be asking now could be:
• Can I find a job better aligned to my personal values?
• Where can I find new opportunities?
• Where can I get job satisfaction?
• What to do if I’m downsized or restructured?
• Where can I find a better boss or better co-workers?
• When do I get work/life balance?

If you seek clarity about what you are doing (or NOT doing) now and how you can have a career that ultimately fulfills you, come for a CAREER with CHONG BING KUAN.

What you will get from a CAREER:

Gaining clarity:

• to move forward in your career life,
• on a career fit, and
• on career fulfilment.

Practitioner: Chong Bing Kuan
