Lead Trainer / Practitioner / Energy Healer
Apart from being a trainer, he is the Managing Director of The Golden Space® Malaysia. Prior to joining The Golden Space management team, he has already started his educational and training career since 2005. He has vast experiences in leadership, management and business development and has worked with thousands of individuals and groups in Malaysia.
He is deeply inspired to transform others via his coaching and training in a humorous and fun way. In the past 5 years, he has conducted more than 500 classes/ workshops and handled over thousands of cases of emotionally disturbed cases (namely depression & suicidal cases). Through his own personal experiences, he has developed great passion towards coaching through experiences. The biggest driving force that keep propelling him forward is the overwhelming fulfillment and contentment that he gets from seeing the transformation in everyone’s lives that he has come in contact with.
Through his services and coaching in The Golden Space, he mastered the art of emotional management and the power of the mind. Having gained a broad spectrum of experiences from his hands-on experiences with clients and his own learning, he revolutionized the industry with his self develop therapy that create paradigm shift in a person in a second.
Sky is a big believer in investing on self empowerment courses to enrich his life. Amongst the courses that he has attended, the one that has greatly impacted on his life is “Awaken ~ The Divine You” program. Throughout the years, he has traveled to Nepal, India, Thailand, U.S.A., to further enhance his own studies. He is currently mentor by International Metaphysical Master Umesh H. Nandwani.
许世龙(Sky)于2008 年开始了他的身心灵路程。他于同年完成了“Awaken ~ The Divine You”® 的课程。通过课程的带领,完全改变了他的一生。至此之后,他完全的投入了灵修的道路。他开始寻找着生命的意义和这宇宙间的真相。通过灵修的课程,他运用静坐方式,从而开始增进他的意识,情绪和健康。他也纯熟的掌握了潜意识的运作与深层的内在沟通。在自我觉醒的过程中,他唤醒了人天生就有的自觉和自愈的能力。
于2009年,他成为了The Golden Space Malaysia心灵中心的一份子。至今,他已带领了超过500堂的心灵工作坊,也接手了超过1000个不同的心灵疗程。他所提供的心灵疗程包括:情绪管理,感情辅导,灵气疗法与人体脉轮调理。
27-2, Jalan PJU 5/20,
The Strand, Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
10.00am - 6.00pm
(Mondays - Sundays)