Marketing Manager / Trainer / Practitioner
In 2015, she started this spiritual journey by attending the Awaken ~ The Divine You® programme which was conducted by International, Metaphysical, Spiritual Master Umesh H. Nandwani. Since then, she has attended various workshops and meditations on various aspects of life, at The Golden Space (M) Sdn Bhd. Her interest in spirituality spurred her on this path of transformation, resulting in a change of career from digital agency to a more holistic one. In 2018, she joined as a Marketing Director of BodyMindSoul Festival, a subsidiary of The Golden Space (M) Sdn Bhd.
Besides being involved in the marketing aspects of BodyMindSoul Festival and The Golden Space Malaysia, Sucy is also a practitioner with The Golden Space Training Centre. Her experiences in life have given her the strength to share how she overcame her depression, to advocate a work-life balance for women and to live positively from the heart.
Sucy discovered her purpose in life along the way – and that is to love herself again. Losing her identity as a person, a woman, and a mother, was the lowest point in her life. Having hidden behind a wall of false happiness for most of her life, this realization propelled her forward to a bigger purpose in her life. She found her bigger WHY and that is to serve all humanity in achieving their highest potential in all ways.
Her current motto: I choose to be the LIGHT in the darkest abyss.
27-2, Jalan PJU 5/20,
The Strand, Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
10.00am - 6.00pm
(Mondays - Sundays)