Time: 4pm - 5.30pm Seeking your true passion? Indecisive about your true passion? In our lives, fear seems to be our natural motivational drive rather than passion. The good news is, humans are 'creatures of habit'. We can choose or make it our habit to be motivated by passion. Passion empowers, inspires, drives us forward […]
Time: 4pm - 5.30pm Have you ever been hurt just because you are different from others? From there you start living your life based on what is deemed as "normal" by people around you. However you never felt truly happy and constantly inside, you feel the need for a change. Here I will be sharing […]
时间: 4pm - 5.30pm 《诉心舒心》@心灵沟通驿站 打开心扉畅谈内心小秘密, 撇开世俗评价的一个安全空间。 三大好处: 在安全保密,不被批判,轻松的状态下获取:- - 释放内心困扰后的轻松 - 卸下挟夹已久的包袱枷锁,取回平衡内心世界 - 舒心安眠,冷静的反应/决策,拥有自主权,还可以开始启动创意库存 Practitioner: Alycia Tee