New Consciousness Series
OnlineThe earth is calling for a change. We are witnessing the awakening process globally. More and more people are waking up everyday, to reevaluate what is important to them in […]
The earth is calling for a change. We are witnessing the awakening process globally. More and more people are waking up everyday, to reevaluate what is important to them in […]
Have you ever felt trapped? Not just in your home due to MCO but more of a feeling of trapped in your body. Trapped to have to fulfil all that […]
Inspired by her personal journey, Annie will be bringing us on an oceanic experience where we dive into the ocean and connect with dolphins. Dolphins are great inspirers to remind […]
天使牌占卜工作坊 (初阶) 揭开占卜神秘的面纱,你也可以为自己或他人占卜,掌握更多的资讯,做出最优选择,在人生面临困境时,聆听天使给你的指引,让你充满自信的渡过难关。 获益: 1. 提升直觉力,开拓看待事物的视野 2. 增强自信,并学习信任生命 3. 预测未来,跟随心的指引,选择人生最佳途径 4. 解答内心的疑惑 课程大纲: 1. 强化感官练习,提升直觉力 2. 选牌 3. 与牌建立链接仪式 4. 解读信息(颜色,数字,图案,etc.) 5. 单牌解读 6. 3张牌解读 星期六 23/4/2022 @ 2 - […]
In life, there are bound to be many changes. Some are major while some are minor. Even though change is uncomfortable, neither should we be held back from progressing in […]
Tagline: from chaos to calm in 3 Minutes What is energy? How does if affect your health and wellbeing? What can you do to feel safe and supported no matter […]
Many people have always been seeking beauty from the outside, not knowing that true beauty is from within. It is not defined by our look, social status & achievement, it […]
Title: Tap into calm and confidence Change your mental, emotional & physical distress in a easy few taps. How? Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment, that focuses on […]
Time: 1.30pm - 3pm Many people have the understanding that awareness comes through our mind or senses. However, true awareness comes from the heart. This wisdom from the heart has […]
Time: 8pm - 9.30pm Is there any secret for a relationship to last for a lifetime? Just about everyone wants a long-lasting, happy union with someone they love. In our […]
Time: 1.30pm - 3pm We are aware that being in nature has numerous benefits. Not only does it improve our mood but more importantly research shows that it can contribute […]
Time: 8pm - 9pm We are all born to be talented dancers! All it takes is to allow ourselves to move and groove to the beat with our hearts. You […]
We have probably heard of this many times, you are stronger than what you perceive, however when times get tough, that’s when this theory is being tested. How many times […]
Time: 11am - 12.30pm Re-connecting to your Inner child is important because our personalities and many of our belief systems formed by the time we are 3 – 5 years […]
Time: 8pm - 9.30pm Yes, all of us are shining stars but not up above the sky but here in real life. However many of us get lost in our […]
Life is all about living with Joy, Love & Harmony. Living with an open heart, experiencing joy in all that we do. Giving & receiving love with our full heart. […]
Just as our electronic devices need constant updates for improved performance, so do we. Let us take time out to recenter ourselves - reviewing all we have experienced, update & […]
This program has been specially crafted to bring focus to the sacred Feminine divinity within you. The energetic flow of the Universe is being reset, encouraging you to reclaim your […]
As the world get busier, it is even more vital for us to stay anchor & more connected with ourselves. In this 3-hours session, you will experience the magic of […]
Time: 8pm - 10pm Sound healing has been known as one of the ancient healing modalities across many civilisations. Besides clearing blockages of one's meridian points in the energy body […]
The process of mindful creation is magical. Experience this magic as you immerse yourself in the process of creating your own mala ~ feel the subtle nuances and shifts in […]
自我接纳的黑箱作业 “点亮你心中的阴暗面” 在身心灵成长关注度提升的趋势里,大家都开始往内自我探索,学习正面思维。 但越努力越感疲惫,不是懊恼自己不成才,就是更加积极向不同的大师取经。 最痛心的,是我们不自觉的伪装自己,成为自己所讨厌的人,在这过程中,种下了否定自我/偏执/自我打压的种子,陷入沮丧,进而封闭自己的心。 这一 场工作坊 让我们 一起揭开表相,探索真相。放下委屈,探讨并接受所有的美与丑,从而接纳 并 拉近自己 与真我 的关系。 好处: – 发掘负面 美丽的 另一面 – 解开小我的隐藏的讯息 – 探索自己的不同面向,学习如何与自己进行沟通,再复制所学,运用到生活里 – 用异于常人的眼界,细看所谓的不好与不对或不应该, 你会发现其中奥妙 每一个人都拥有一个专属的黑箱。撕开标签,来一趟轻松的开箱体验吧。 导师: Alycia Tee
Time: 8pm - 9.30pm Embark on a fun and joyful journey to discover a life of unbounded possibilities! Imagine having a magic wand in your hand, one that you can […]
Time: 8pm - 9.30pm Its the new year once again! Is it another year of same old same old, or are you willing to make 2023 a special one ? […]
Benefits: - Children get to learn & express their truest emotions in a series of fun activities. - Create better communication between parents & children. - Instil an attitude of […]
Time: 11am - 6pm Munay-Ki means “I love you” - A Quechua word derive from the descendants of the ancient Inka, the indigenous people of the holy mountains of the […]
Time: 4pm - 5pm Upset when your mobile network indicate "No Connection"? The same applies to us as human being. When we feel disconnected with people around us, not supported […]
时间: 8点晚上 至 9点30分晚上 从身心灵全方位的角度,知道自己,了解自己,从而学习更爱自己,并全然信任生命。 你将学习到 1. 重新看待自己,了解自己的身体,心志与精神 2. 发掘更多潜在未知的你,开启更多的可能 3. 感受从相信到全然信任的过程 导师: Jessie Moo
Time: 11am - 12.30pm This meditation is not for the faint-hearted. Seeking ultimate freedom takes lots of courage to lose yourself, breaking out of self-limiting beliefs and being judgmental towards […]
Time: 4pm - 5.30pm Seeking your true passion? Indecisive about your true passion? In our lives, fear seems to be our natural motivational drive rather than passion. The good news […]